Chiropractic Coverage

In 1986 there was an outcry in chiropractic over high malpractice insurance rates. So we formed the National Chiropractic Council, the nation’s first chiropractic risk purchasing group. After more than three decades of success we are today able to leverage our purchasing power to create the best possible chiropractic malpractice coverage.

First, we demand the very best defense. Only a select group of NCC-approved chiropractic legal specialists are assigned to our cases.  Second, our insurance carrier must provide top quality financial credentials. Finally, we won’t let our carrier tell you how to practice chiropractic.

We have a staff that understands chiropractic, an all-star legal team, and the financial protection of a top rated U.S. carrier.
And because of our unparalleled record of consistent performance, we have been able to negotiate the lowest rates for malpractice insurance available anywhere.

NCCouncil has been securing reliable, affordable malpractice insurance to the chiropractic profession since 1986.